Condenser Microphones: Are They Right for Me?

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Microphones are a subset of a larger group of devices called transducers, which convert energy from one form to another. In this article, we will take a closer look at condenser microphones to learn how they change acoustic energy to electric energy.

How Do They Work?

You are probably most familiar with the housing of a microphone. It’s the hard outer casing part of the microphone that you can see. It often has a wire frame mesh to protect the inner workings ...

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Superpowers of the Ear: The Inner Ear

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While both the outer ear and middle ear (which were discussed previously) are amazing and complex, the inner ear is perhaps the most amazing and most complex. While the world of the outer ear and middle ear are full of air, the world of the inner ear is filled with watery fluids. So, are you ready to take a plunge into the aquatic world of the inner ear?

For the sake of simplicity today, we will divide the inner ...

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