Megaphones: Heard above the Noise

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The megaphone is one of the oldest acoustical devices. People learned early that horn-shaped or cone-shaped tubes could be used to increase the audibility of the human voice. However, it took much longer for humanity to discover exactly how megaphones amplify sound.

A Quick History

Many early civilizations used “speaking horns.” Some Native American leaders used birch bark horns to communicate with large groups. In ancient Greece, actors wore masks with cone-like openings around the mouth which amplified their voices. Many inventors ...

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Superpowers of the Ear: The Middle Ear

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In a previous article we learned about the superpowers of the outer ear and promised we would tell you more about the middle ear, as well as that little drumhead at the end of your ear canal—the tympanic membrane.

The middle ear is a pocket of air bounded by the ear drum on the outer side and the cochlea on the inner side. The middle ear is home to the three smallest named bones in the human body: the malleus, ...

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